20 September 2009

My Own Personal Superhero

He was there for me even after I first met him. He listened to my problems, my bitching, even my stupid jokes that weren't worthy of even a fake laugh.

My best friend/roommate and I had a sort of falling out after she specifically broke the sacred GIRL CODE and decided to stay best friends with my douchebag ex-boyfriend who happened to be best friends with her current boyfriend. Confusing? I know.

Well, they were pretty much my only friends; so, after the douchebag and I broke up, it was like breaking up with all of my friends at the same time. It really sucks to not have anyone. To tell the truth, I probably spent most of my time either crying or trying to write and learn music that would take my mind off of it. I had so many feelings and no one to listen to them. At least until I met HIM...

He was probably five-foot-ten with dirty blonde hair and a set of abs that would make any girl drool all over her newly applied lipgloss. He should have been wearing a cape because he was there to save me--

my own personal superhero.

We met outside at the patio where our little circle of acquaintances usually crowded to smoke cigarettes and talk about sex. I went out for a smoke and noticed some people sitting around the table. Like I said before, I sort of knew them. They told me to join, so I did. The invitation made me feel good since I had been devoid of social contact for some time. There was one guy there who didn't look too familiar, and I didn't even find out who he was until the next day. I was too busy getting my social activity in for that week or so.

Anyway, they kept showing up outside everytime I went for a smoke; so, I ADOPTED them. One night I guess I looked kinda down because this new Guy asked if everything was ok. I said it was, but somehow he managed to read my mind and UNLOCK the vault that held so many feelings safely inside. I opened up, and the words and emotions spewed out like water breaking through a dam.

I felt so much better. He listened, advised, and put the smile on my face that had been missing for quite some time. We kept meeting regularly along with the other people who became regular smokers after a few nights at the table or Circle as we liked to call it. We gradually learned more about each other, and before I knew it I was at parties with these people. I did things I had never done before, and I still don't regret it to this day.

Later on down the road, it seemed like the other people drifted away to leave us at our own discretion; I saw something in his eyes that was absent in any others I had ever had a connection with--THOUGHTFULNESS, EMPATHY, CARE, UNDERSTANDING... I could keep going, but I won't.

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