26 October 2009

And The Demon Comes Out

I have had a couple of shitty relationships, and I have come up with a reason most of us break it off. The demon comes out.

At first, I meet a guy, and if he likes me enough then he is an absolute angel. He opens the door, pays for all the dates, buys me pretty things, compliments me, calls me, texts me, makes me laugh, holds me, hugs me, spends all of his free time with me, and then somwehere down the line... the demon comes out. He comes out with his nasty little horns, nasty little claws, and nasty little attitude.

This mother jumps out of Hell when we think everything is perfect. It usually occurs somewhere after the big ILY. People get comfortable; it's true, but that doesn't mean all of the nice things in life that make your smile light up like the July sky should abruptly stop. Those daily texts, daily visits, and daily compliments become very few and far between. You start buying more things for him, taking him more places, and waiting on him to find time to hang out with you between beers and video games. The demon has taken control.

Wow ladies. I think I have found The One. He was way better than the other heavenly creatures who quickly fell below angelic standards. He was something special; there was no way he would turn on me.

Well, like most times, I wasn't completely right.

You see, I have a wee bit of an anger problem. I admit that I will get pissed at little things. That is my personality--who I am. When we first met, it was magical to find someone who could be patient and not get angry at me. I could get calm with him and love him more with every little squabble.

Somewhere along the road, patience dwindled. The little things he did that meant so much faded away into the darkness that had enveloped our relationship. We drifted apart slowly through a rough period. He had become interested in things other than our relationship. You know how boys pay all their attention to you in the beginning of a relationship? Yeah, we were over that period. Suddenly friends were more important. Video games were more interesting than seeing how my day was. Beer with his buddies was the better alternative to wine at a candlelit dinner.

You might think that I'm describing the beginning of a terrible breakup, but I'm not. I'm simply explaining that there are bad times that everyone must go through in order to make their relationship stronger.

Our love for each other has actually grown, and we enjoy each other's company when we have time. I stay over most nights, and he holds me close to his heart. So, the moral of this blog is that a little hardship is inevitable for an amazing relationship. The demon can be vanquished as long as you put in the effort.

P.S. I have decided that my sign-off will be a different quote each time =]

"Thou art to me a delicious torment."- Ralph Waldo Emerson


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