10 October 2009


So, how do you figure out you are truly, deeply, madly, completely in love?

I get goosebumps.

Whenever I hear a special song on the radio or see a picture of a seriously happy couple, I know that Guy and me are supposed to be together. It's destiny, fate, whatever you want to call it.

When we first got together, we listened to a lot of music. A LOT. One day as we were sitting outside chatting about the random happenings of life, I decided to wander around on YouTube. The goal of this little cyber adventure was to find a really good song we had never heard before and experience it together for the first time.

I had been listening to quite a bit of Sum 41, so I typed them in. I passed up all the songs I already knew and came across "With Me." It was incredible. One of the lines spoke of love finding its way to you. Everytime I hear that song, I get goosebumps.

I recently began following the blog of Ex-Hot Girl, who is not at all ugly. As I read, I noticed she was a photographer, a fantastic photographer at that. I took a look at some of her pictures of weddings and such. I couldn't stop. She captured the extreme happiness in couples that I have found. I got goosebumps. I encourage you to take a look at her page: JBe Photography.

It's not just pictures and songs that give me the goosies. It's his eyes. Those bright blue eyes that make me want to cry when they look into mine. The bright blue eyes that let me know everything is going to be fine. The bright blue eyes that have some sort of gravitational force making me not want to pull away even if we're fighting. The bright bue eyes that give me goosebumps.

Love is an emotion so strong that it even shows up physically. Love is getting goosebumps.

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