05 October 2009

It's Funny How We Judge People...

...then they become someone very close to us who is very different from who we thought they were.

I know I can be judgemental at times. I'll pick out every flaw that a person has when I first see them. Some people with many flaws have many great qualities too. At least I can see that after I get to know them a little better... or not.

When I first encountered my roomie, it was a conversation on the telephone. She laughed a lot. I thought, Oh no! Not a bubbly personality to conflict with my pessimism and temper. I just knew we were going to have a terrible time living together.

Then I finally met her. All of my stuff had been moved in a few days before she came. She wasn't skinny, with perfect hair, and perfect clothes the way I pictured her. She was pretty noral like me. Until...

She turned out needy, selfish, inconsiderate. I can't go on or I'll just blow up. Maybe it is because we live together... maybe it's because she's a cheap whore.

And to add on to that... she is judgemental like no other. She can't handle any different people hanging around with her friends. She will meet the person, give them the stink eye the entire time she has to sit in front of them, then bash them hardcore later. And who do you think has to hear the bashing? ME!

I cannot deal with the ongoing she's fat, and ugly, she has a weird chin, she looks like she has a big vagina... really? Seriously? Truly? Ugh.

The best part is that most of the time, all of those people she loves to judge turn out to be the most kindhearted people. She knew my boyfriend before I did because he was a transfer student, and he was in all of her classes. "He's such a smart ass. I think he's gay. All he does is talk crap."

And how does it turn out? I am truly, deeply, completely in love with this guy. Now, she calls herself his best friend. I'll get to that later...

I'll admit, some of our friends don't exactly choose the right path sometimes, but that doesn't neccessarily mean they're bad people. In front of their faces, she is their best friend. As soon as we walk away it turns to bash time.

And another thing is that I know she bashes me too. Even to my own boyfriend. I have gotten so tired of fighting with her (because you know I have to live with her *only til next year though*) that I just bury all of this extreme hatred deep inside. I act like I'm cool with her. I can't blow up on her like I want to. I can't deal with the increased bashing she will deal out then.


Just remember not to judge people, because they could turn out to be your best friend or more.

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